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Sarah McNeil

What is an Adjustment?

Chiropractors are mostly known for ‘adjusting’ the spine.  But what does that mean and why would you do it? 


What is an Adjustment? 

To get to the basics, Chiropractic looks at the joints within the spine and wants them to move as best they can.  If they aren’t moving well, then the nerves that leave the spine can get pinched and that causes interference.  This means they can’t send their messages - it’s a bit like having a kink in a hosepipe! 

But why should that bother you?  Well, nerves send messages around the body, controlling everything you sense and everything you do.  So, if your nerves aren’t working properly either you aren’t aware of your environment the way you should be, or you can’t react to it the way you want to. 

Hence, the aim of an adjustment is to get a stiffened or irritated joint functioning better again.  Sounds good, right!? 


How does a Chiropractor Give an Adjustment? 

A Chiropractor uses their hands (usually) to adjust a joint.  This is done using the right amount of energy, speed and in the right direction for the joint in question.  Years of training, practice and experience allow Chiropractors to select the right way to apply the adjustment. 

The ultimate aim of an adjustment is to get that joint moving through it’s full range of motion (as far as it can, without the risk of injury).  When that is achieved you are likely to hear a ‘crack’ or a ‘pop’.  This is just like cracking your knuckles and is a natural phenomenon  

This is probably why Chiropractors have been called back-crackers in the past.  It is also why it is often associated with a ‘successful’ adjustment.  But it shouldn’t be thought about in such simplistic terms.  Just getting a joint to move slightly more than it was is an achievement.   

So, a ‘successful’ adjustment is one that encourages more movement and reduces pain. 

I love the sense of freedom and light-ness it gives.  What do you like? 


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