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ChiroPractical’s: 40 Tips for Surviving the Festive Season

Sarah McNeil

The “Time to be Merry” is nearly upon us.  Have you given any thought to how much the whole season affects you?  Tasks like carrying the shopping, packing and unpacking the car, sleeping in different beds and spending time playing with new toys (big and small) are all on the horizon.  All these activities stray from your ‘normal’ activities and increase the stresses your body is experiencing.  Unfortunately, meaning you’re less able to fight off infections, too.

The colder weather tends to mean more patients booking in at ChiroPractical to physically feel better and reduce at least one set of stresses.  So, how on earth are you meant to get through it all without any problems?  Especially if you’ve suffered with aches and pains before.

Well, we’ve pulled together some tips to help you keep the Yuletide Merry:

Time for ‘You’:

  1. Drink plenty of water: it’ll help flush out bugs & toxins, as well as ease any muscle aches.

  2. Take a look at the 3 minute Straighten Up UK posture exercises at 

  3. Try not to over-indulge: Sugar (and therefore white bread and alcohol) are inflammatory foods, so they’ll make any irritation worse.

Bags and Shopping 

  1. The best bag in any situation is a rucksack – fitting nicely and over both shoulders.

  2. Second best bag is a long-strapped bag that will goes diagonally across your body.

  3. Keep shopping bags evenly balanced in both hands.

  4. Don’t leave everything to the last minute so you’ve got one massive shopping mission.  

  5. But, if you have bought too much - drop some bits off in the car, before carrying on.

  6. Take a break regularly, those coffee shops can be a welcome stop (I like the Gingerbread lattes!).

Card-Writing & Present Wrapping

  1. Get comfy: do your writing/wrapping at the right height.  Ensure you’ve got enough space.

  2. Keep your back straight.

  3. Use a ‘chunky’ pen so you don’t get cramp so easily (we don’t write that much anymore).

  4. Take a break at least once an hour (Mince pie anyone?) 


  1. Keep bags easy and comfortable to lift by keeping light (only pack what you need).

  2. Think about using 2 bags instead of 1.

  3. Give yourself a ‘broad base’ (keep your feet wide); you’ll be more stable.

  4. Face the direction you’re going to lift; you don’t need to injure yourself twisting.

  5. Keep bending, lifting and twisting as separate movements as much as possible.

  6. Lift with a straight back: use your leg muscles (they’re bigger than your back muscles).

  7. Make sure what you’re lifting is balanced and not going to roll around or dislodge.

  8. Carry everything as close to your body as possible.

  9. Put the lighter stuff in first.  Put it down close to you and then push it in.

Before Travelling

  1. Make sure you sleep well – you’re more likely to hurt yourself if you’re tired.

  2. Wear comfortable, supportive shoes and loose-fitting clothes.

  3. Allow plenty of time for packing and the journey.

  4. Don’t forget the sweets! … or un-sugary treats 😉

The Car Journey

  1. Do all your normal car checks beforehand.

  2. Get in by sitting on the seat and swinging both legs in together.  Swing both legs out and then stand up to get out again.

  3. If you’re driving, get your posture right e.g. seat slightly tilted back, elbows at a relaxed angle with your hands falling naturally on the steering wheel.

  4. Have a break at least every 2 hours, ideally less than that.

  5. Passengers can do some simple thigh and buttock clenches, side bends and shoulder, neck and foot circles en route.


  1. Get a cuppa and go for a walk to loosen up before unloading the car.  You’ll need to ‘warm up’ just like you do at the gym to reduce your chance of injury.


  1. You can’t pack your mattress, but you CAN take your pillow.  You’ll be surprised what a difference it makes!

  2. If the bed is too hard you can make it softer by putting another duvet/blanket underneath you.  Unfortunately, most spare beds are too soft, and you can’t do much about that.

Presents / Playtime

  1. Get down to the kids their level when playing with them, rather than bending over.

  2. You might find sitting on a cushion more comfortable than sitting on the floor.

  3. Regularly change position.

  4. Take regular breaks from Tech and Gadgets (shrug your shoulders, stretch your neck and arms).

  5. Keep a good posture –back straight, head up and looking straight in front of you. – think about sitting with your back supported, knees bent up in front and resting the gadget on your knees.

  1. Overall, don’t stress!  It’s just one day and it’s simply a time to celebrate, surrounded by those you love.  Everyone will have a fabulous day, whatever happens.

I hope these make a difference to how much you enjoy this time of year – let us know how you get on and, of course, pass it on so everyone can benefit!

Merry Christmas!


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